Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound

A diagnostic breast ultrasound is a medical imaging test that uses sound waves to produce pictures of the breast tissue. It is often used to further evaluate a suspicious lump or area of concern found on a mammogram or clinical breast exam.

During the procedure, the patient lies on their back, and a small amount of gel is applied to the breast. A transducer, which emits high-frequency sound waves, is then moved across the skin over the breast area. The sound waves bounce off the breast tissue and are recorded by the transducer, creating images on a computer screen.

The images produced by a diagnostic breast ultrasound can help determine whether a lump is a solid mass or a fluid-filled cyst, and can also identify characteristics such as size, shape, and texture. This information can assist healthcare providers in determining whether further testing or a biopsy is necessary.

Breast ultrasounds are typically considered safe and non-invasive, and do not expose the patient to ionizing radiation.

Diagnostic breast ultrasound is indicated for various reasons, including:

  • To evaluate breast lumps or masses that are found during a breast exam or mammogram.
  • To distinguish between solid masses and fluid-filled cysts.
  • To evaluate breast changes, such as thickening or nodularity, that may be detected during a breast exam or mammogram.
  • To evaluate breast abnormalities, such as asymmetry, distortion, or architectural distortion.
  • To evaluate breast pain or tenderness.
  • To evaluate breast implants for rupture or other complications.
  • To monitor breast tissue changes in patients who have a high risk of breast cancer, such as those with a family history of the disease or those who have undergone radiation therapy to the chest.

Overall, diagnostic breast ultrasound is a valuable tool for evaluating breast health and detecting abnormalities that may require further investigation or treatment.

3D Breast Ultrasound for diagnostic evaluation of breast. Coronal plane helps better understand anatomical location especially when multiple lesions. Helps presurgical planning for breast surgeons.

Breast Elastography

Breast elastography is a medical imaging technique that assesses the elasticity of breast tissue. It can be used in addition to traditional breast imaging methods like mammography or ultrasound. The main benefit of breast elastography is its ability to provide additional information about breast lesions that cannot be obtained from other imaging modalities alone. Some key benefits include:

1. Improved lesion characterization: Elastography can help differentiate between benign and malignant breast lesions based on their elasticity. Malignant lesions tend to be stiffer (less elastic) than benign lesions, so elastography can aid in the characterization of suspicious lesions.

2. Reduced need for biopsies: By providing additional information about the nature of breast lesions, elastography may help reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies for benign lesions. This can lead to less invasive procedures and lower healthcare costs.

3. Enhanced detection of small lesions: Elastography may improve the detection of small breast lesions, especially in women with dense breast tissue where conventional imaging methods like mammography may be less effective.

4. Monitoring treatment response: Elastography can be used to monitor the response of breast lesions to treatment, such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy. Changes in lesion stiffness over time can indicate the effectiveness of the treatment.

5. Improved guidance for biopsies: Elastography can help guide needle biopsies by providing real-time information about the stiffness of the tissue, which can improve the accuracy of targeting suspicious areas within the breast.

Overall, breast elastography can provide valuable additional information in the evaluation of breast lesions, potentially improving the accuracy of diagnosis and reducing the need for unnecessary procedures. However, it is often used in conjunction with other imaging modalities and clinical assessments to make a comprehensive evaluation of breast health.