High Risk Breast Lesions

High-risk breast lesions are abnormal cell growths found on breast biopsy that may be associated with a higher risk of developing breast cancer. These lesions do not necessarily mean that cancer is present, but they do indicate an increased risk for breast cancer.

Some examples of high-risk breast lesions include atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH), and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). ADH and ALH are non-cancerous conditions where the cells in the breast tissue are abnormal, but not cancerous. LCIS is also non-cancerous, but indicates that abnormal cells are present in the milk-producing glands of the breast.

High-risk breast lesions are usually detected during a breast biopsy. If a high-risk lesion is identified, your healthcare provider may recommend further imaging tests or additional biopsies to determine if cancer is present. Depending on the results of these tests, your healthcare provider may recommend increased surveillance, such as more frequent mammograms or breast MRIs, or risk-reducing strategies, such as medications or preventive surgery.

It's important to have any changes in the breast tissue evaluated by a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate management and reduce the risk of breast cancer.