Papillary Apocrine Change

​​​​​​​Papillary apocrine change is a term used to describe a benign condition that can be seen on breast biopsies. It refers to changes in the breast tissue that are related to the apocrine cells, which are a type of glandular cell found in the breast.

Apocrine change is a normal finding in the breast, but when it is described as "papillary," it means that the apocrine cells are arranged in a finger-like pattern, similar to the shape of a small papilla (nipple). This pattern can be seen on a breast biopsy and is usually not associated with breast cancer.

Papillary apocrine change is more common in postmenopausal women and can be seen on mammography or ultrasound as a small, solid mass or an area of focal distortion. It can also cause nipple discharge or bleeding. In most cases, papillary apocrine change is a benign condition and does not require any treatment. However, if there is any concern about the findings, further evaluation may be recommended, such as a repeat biopsy or follow-up imaging.

It's important to note that while papillary apocrine change is usually benign, it is still important to have any changes in the breast tissue evaluated by a healthcare provider to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.